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Step 4: User management dashboard

Initialise the dashboard recipe#

Your app's name:*
Information about the question
This is the name of your application
API Domain:*
Information about the question
This is the URL of your app's API server.
API Base Path:
Information about the question
SuperTokens will expose it's APIs scoped by this base API path.
Website Domain:*
Information about the question
This is the URL of your website.
Website Base Path:
Information about the question
The path where the login UI will be rendered
Submit form

To get started, initialise the Dashboard recipe in the recipeList.

import SuperTokens from "supertokens-node";
import Dashboard from "supertokens-node/recipe/dashboard";

appInfo: {
apiDomain: "...",
appName: "...",
websiteDomain: "...",
recipeList: [
// TODO: Initialise other recipes

Viewing the dashboard#


The user management dashboard is served by the backend SDK, you have to use your API domain when trying to visit the dashboard.

Navigate to <YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/dashboard to view the dashboard.

Dashboard login screen

Creating dashboard credentials#

Paid Feature

You can create one dashboard user* for free. If you need to create additional users please email us at

*: A dashboard user is a user that can log into and view the user management dashboard. These users are independent to the users of your application

When you first setup SuperTokens, there are no credentials created for the dashboard. If you click the "Add a new user" button in the dashboard login screen you can see the command you need to execute in order to create credentials.

Dashboard login screen

To create credentials you need to make a request to SuperTokens core.

  • The example above uses the demo core, replace this with the connection uri you pass to the backend SDK when initialising SuperTokens.
  • Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with your API key. If you are using a self hosted SuperTokens core there is no API key by default. In that case you can either skip or ignore the api-key header.
  • Replace <YOUR_EMAIL> and <YOUR_PASSWORD> with the appropriate values

Updating dashboard credentials#

You can update the email or password of existing credentials by using the "Forgot Password" button on the dashboard login page.

Dashboard login screen

To update credentials you need to make a request to SuperTokens core.

  • The example above uses the demo core, replace this with the connection uri you pass to the backend SDK when initialising SuperTokens.
  • Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with your API key. If you are using a self hosted SuperTokens core there is no API key by default. In that case you can either skip or ignore the api-key header.
  • Replace <YOUR_EMAIL> and <YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD> with the appropriate values. You can use newEmail instead of newPassword if you want to update the email

Viewing users#

If you have just created your app, you may not have any users to show on the dashboard.

Empty dashboard

Navigate to the your frontend app and create a user (via the sign up flow). On creation, if you head back to the dashboard and refresh the page, you will see that user:

One user in dashboard

User Management#

When you select a user you can view detailed information about the user such as email, phone number, user metadata etc.

One user in dashboardOne user in dashboard

You can edit user information and perform actions such as resetting a user's password or revoke sessions for a user.

One user in dashboard

Some features such as user metadata and email verification have to be enabled in your backend before you can use them in the user management dashboard

Content Security Policy#

If you return a Content-Security-Policy header in from your backend, you will need to include the following directives for the user management dashboard to work correctly

